10 Good Habits for the Heart - REM-Fit

10 Good Habits for the Heart

November 02, 2017


In addition to the annual visit to the gynecologist, the ophthalmologist and the dentist, we have every interest in scheduling in our agenda a meeting at the cardio (or failing that the GP). Women' infarction is now three times more common than 15 years ago and its victims are younger and younger. On average between 40 and 50 years 1 ! To escape, no choice: we will have to crush our last cigarette for good and put on our sneakers more often. The good news is that there are also simple (or really cool) actions to put in place to take care of our cardiovascular system.

Reflex 1: Sleep between 7 and 8h per night for a heart-shaped

Looking for a good excuse to scratch some precious minutes of sleep?We have one! Sleeping less than 7 hours a night increases the risk of a vascular problem . On the other hand, one does not drag too much under the quilt because to spend more than 9h in the arms of Morphée is more deleterious for the heart than to make nights too short 2 . The quality of sleep also matters. Too long sleep or frequent micro-arousal affects our arteries even though scientists still have trouble understanding why and how. Fortunately, we can count on new connected objects to end nightmare nights. Some examples? The ultra-thin Alta HR bracelet (www.fitbit.com) decrypts the quality of our sleep minute by minute (almost like in specialized centers) to finally understand why we are slammed upon waking. The Zeeq pillow (Rem-fit.com) detects our snoring and vibrates gently to force us to change position. As for the Dreem helmet (dreem.com), it prolongs our deep sleep phases (those during which we really recover) by sending imperceptible sounds directly to the brain._x000D_

Reflex 2: Cover well to protect it

In winter, when the temperature drops by 1 ° C, the risk of myocardial infarction increases by 2% 3 . To cope with the cold, the heart beats faster, its oxygen consumption increases and the vessels contract, promoting the coagulation of blood. An additional risk for those who already have hypertension, heart failure or who have a history of cardio. One protects oneself by keeping one' ends warm (gloves, socks, cap, ..) in order to avoid the vasoconstriction and by making moderate physical efforts, especially during the peaks of pollution._x000D_

Reflex 3: Savor dark chocolate

Rich in magnesium , it helps to cope with stress. But if the big consumers of dark chocolate with 70% cocoa (or more) have less heart problems and stroke, it is mainly thanks to polyphenols. These powerful antioxidants have a vasodilating action. They "widen" veins and arteries, which facilitates blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. In parallel, they limit the inflammation related to the deposition of fat in the arteries at the origin of clots or infarcts 4 . You will take again a small square?_x000D_

Reflex 4: Adopt a dog (and take it out)

Each year, the American Heart Association experts publish a platform to extol the merits of a heart , protecting gesture . This year, they did not choose to discuss the benefits of spinach or running but on the health of dog owners. The best friend of man lowers our risk of obesity and hypertension, and helps to better withstand stress . Benefits rather related to daily walks than the animal itself. The proof: those who use a dog-sitter to get out their dog are bigger than those who have no pets at all. Review of the races: before adopting, we make sure that we do it for the well-being of the animal before ours otherwise failure is guaranteed.

Reflex 5: Mindfulness Meditation

Anti-depressed, anti-pain, anti-fatigue … we no longer count the virtues of meditation . Now studies are interested in the changes it brings within the body and cells. Recent research has shown that regular practice improves oxygenation of the brain and arteries, and that mindfulness (a form of meditation based on attention in the present moment) has a lower blood pressure. slower heart rate, signs of good cardiovascular health 5 . To start, we try classes (association-mindfulness.org) or we use an app (Small bamboo, Zenfie, Namatata, …)

Reflex 6: Laugh every day …

… keeps infarction away forever! Scientists have found that those who laugh willingly are three times less likely to suffer a heart attackthan those who are grouchy. Perhaps because stress damages the endothelium, the inner layer of the blood vessels and creates inflammation that can lead to heart attack. So we take every opportunity to relax, to see life on the right side and we do not hesitate to regularly replay our favorite comedies.

Reflex 7: Exposing yourself to the sun

_x000D_ If doing pancake on the beach during the summer accentuates the risk of skin cancer , in small doses, the sun does the greatest good to our body . Under the effect of its light, micro amounts of carbon monoxide pass from the skin to the bloodstream and increase the dilation of the blood vessels. Blood pressure drops, and the risk of heart problems also 6. Researchers are now trying to find out what changes in our diet could have the same effects on our body. Case to follow …_x000D_

Reflex 8: Volunteering

_x000D_ This is the typical example of a win-win deal: by helping those in need, we take care of our heart. Teenagers who do 1 hour of volunteer work a week for 2 and a half months have lower cholesterol, a lower body mass index, their body is less inflamed and, as a bonus, their self-esteem is better. For the very young (50 years old and over), giving 200 hours of their time each year (about 4 hours a week) removes the risk of hypertension by about 40% 7 . Still skeptical? Volunteering is also known to fend off depression and increase longevity ._x000D_

Reflex 9: Boss but not too much

_x000D_ The saying "work is health" is actually only half true . A gigantic study of more than 600,000 people confirmed that job convicts were not the most fit. The risk of stroke increases by 10% when you regularly go between 41 and 48 hours per week in the office (versus the usual 35 to 40 hours). It jumps by 27% when one tritters between 49 and 54h and explodes of 33% when one works more than 55h 8 . Prolonged exposure to stress leads to hormonal, metabolic and immune disturbances that can become cardiovascular risk factors. However, there is one point to clarify: do those who practice a profession they love and work without counting also put their heart in danger? Mystery._x000D_

Reflex 10: Getting married

_x000D_ OK, we do not pass the ring finger only because we are worried about his heart. Nevertheless, it deserves reflection. Especially when you know that there are roughly 60% more heart attacks among singles and divorced.Men and women alike. Not to mention the survival rate 28 days after the accident, lower among those who did not pass the mayor 9 . That said, it is better to be alone than poorly accompanied. Women who are not happily married are more likely to suffer from heart disease than singles!_x000D_ _x000D_