October 12, 2017

Excerpted from 
The Journal Gazette We've all been told that unplugging , putting our phones away and turning off the television at least 30 minutes before going to bed , is better for our sleep, productivity and overall health, but many of us are ignoring the recommendation. We aren't just sleeping in our beds; we are also working, eating, checking email and watching television. Companies have responded by creating innovative products for the bedroom that meet our need for comfort and convenience. Here are some of the top trends and newest products.
Next-gen pillows The ultimate in smart pillows, the Zeeq pillow monitors and reacts to your snoring, analyzes your sleep and plays music. It can even wake you up with a programmable alarm. If you snore loudly enough, the Zeeq gently vibrates, encouraging you to shift to a new position. Bluetooth-enabled speakers are tucked within the pillow' interior foam so that you can listen to music or audiobooks without headphones. The Zeeq also has an accompanying smartphone app that monitors your sleep movements, snoring pattern and sleep duration ($199.99).