Best Mattress for Heavy People. starry night background

Best Mattress for Heavy People

We're here to help find the right fit for all shapes and sizes!

Best Mattress for Heavy People. starry background night

Best Mattress for Heavy People

We're here to help find the right fit for all shapes and sizes!

The Right Fit

When shopping for a mattress, heavier people need to keep a few things in mind. Larger bodies put more pressure on a mattress and can cause increased wear and tear, more need for cooling and unique demands for support. It’s important to look for some specific features to find a mattress that will last more than just a couple of years.

Best Mattress for Heavy People. heavyset woman in bed stretching

"You can make excuses for why you don't or can't sleep—or, you can sleep and ensure that all your time, effort and energy is leading to the day you have dreamt about."


Best Mattress for Heavy People. two women jumping rope

Finding the Right Support

The best mattress for heavy people is supportive by design. Increased weight means that various joints and the spine are under more strain throughout the day. That means it’s essential to get the proper support and weight dispersal at night while you sleep. During this time, your body can take a break from the stresses of daily movement and repair itself, so you can be ready for the next day. Look for a mattress with multiple layers and combinations of memory foam, or a mattress that combines memory foam and innersprings. By combining supple features with supportive layers, these mattresses can conform to your shape and deliver the support you need.

Quality Materials

The best mattress for heavy people is built for durability. It is essential not only to the lifespan of the mattress, but also to the support you receive from it. Mattresses that are not built and tested to last begin to compress and sag after the first year, leading to growing discomfort, and sore joints. In order to protect against this, manufacturers must not only employ quality materials when manufacturing their products, but they must also ensure consistent performance through rigorous testing. At REM-Fit we simulate 25 years of sleep at 350 pounds to ensure our mattresses are built to last, and provide the support you need.

Best Mattress for Heavy People. man sleeping and holding a toy while sucking his thumb
Best Mattress for Heavy People. big, muscular man outside leaning on a tree

Sleep Cool

The best mattress for heavy people is built to regulate temperatures. Larger bodies produce more heat, so it’s essential to ensure your mattress is designed to compensate for this and help provide the ideal sleep temperature (between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit). Look for mattresses that feature cooling gel in their top layer of memory foam, and use fibers like Nordic Chill or Tencel® to help regulate temperatures and manage moisture efficiently.

Best Mattress for Heavy People. 3 women on bikes in shorts and swimsuits

The best mattress for heavy people is designed to provide the support, durability and temperature regulation needed specifically for bigger bodies. By ensuring your mattress covers these essentials, you’ll sleep deeper, longer and get the recovery your body needs.

I've been sleeping on this mattress for almost three years. I'm a big dude, 230 pounds...and I thought this mattress would wear out over time. It does not. After 1000 nights, the only thing I hate about the mattress is how bad it makes all the other mattresses feel when I'm away from home.

- KEVIN, JAN 24 2019

remfit 400 mattress

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Best Mattress for Heavy People. heavyset woman stretching in bed

The Right Fit

When shopping for a mattress, heavier people need to keep a few things in mind. Larger bodies put more pressure on a mattress and can cause increased wear and tear, more need for cooling and unique demands for support. It’s important to look for some specific features to find a mattress that will last more than just a couple of years.

“Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow.”


Finding the Right Support

The best mattress for heavy people is supportive by design. Increased weight means that various joints and the spine are under more strain throughout the day. That means it’s essential to get the proper support and weight dispersal at night while you sleep. During this time, your body can take a break from the stresses of daily movement and repair itself, so you can be ready for the next day. Look for a mattress with multiple layers and combinations of memory foam, or a mattress that combines memory foam and innersprings. By combining supple features with supportive layers, these mattresses can conform to your shape and deliver the support you need.

Best Mattress for Heavy People. larger man sleeping with a toy and sucking his thumb

Quality Materials

The best mattress for heavy people is built for durability. It is essential not only to the lifespan of the mattress, but also to the support you receive from it. Mattresses that are not built and tested to last begin to compress and sag after the first year, leading to growing discomfort, and sore joints. In order to protect against this, manufacturers must not only employ quality materials when manufacturing their products, but they must also ensure consistent performance through rigorous testing. At REM-Fit we simulate 25 years of sleep at 350 pounds to ensure our mattresses are built to last, and provide the support you need.

Best Mattress for Heavy People. 3 women on bikes in shorts and swimsuits

Sleep Cool

The best mattress for heavy people is built to regulate temperatures. Larger bodies produce more heat, so it’s essential to ensure your mattress is designed to compensate for this and help provide the ideal sleep temperature (between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit). Look for mattresses that feature cooling gel in their top layer of memory foam, and use fibers like Nordic Chill or Tencel® to help regulate temperatures and manage moisture efficiently.

Best Mattress for Heavy People. big, muscular man outside leaning against a tree

The best mattress for heavy people is designed to provide the support, durability and temperature regulation needed specifically for bigger bodies. By ensuring your mattress covers these essentials, you’ll sleep deeper, longer and get the recovery your body needs.


The bottom line is - nothing is as restorative as a consistent night’s sleep. Getting the rest both your body and mind need, however, often proves trickier than we would like. More and more of us experience sleepless nights and fatigue during the day, and modern society could be to blame.

remfit 400 mattress

Sold out

I've been sleeping on this mattress for almost three years. I'm a big dude, 230 pounds...and I thought this mattress would wear out over time. It does not. After 1000 nights, the only thing I hate about the mattress is how bad it makes all the other mattresses feel when I'm away from home.

- KEVIN, JAN 24 2019