Nothing sounds better after the lunch hour than a quick nap. If done right, naps can help your work performance for the rest of the day. But, if the timing isn't right, a nap could do more harm than good. To help you perfect the art of napping, the Wall Street Journal compiled a list of top tips for a solid nap:
Don't nap too long. Experts suggest anywhere between 10 to 20 minutes.
Avoid napping close to bedtime. Instead, target the 1 to 4 p.m. range for an afternoon "pick-me-up."
Nap in a comfortable place. Some suggest sleeping upright to limit the nap length.
Don't nap if you suffer from sleep disorders like insomnia or sleep apnea.
Dreaming during a nap means you may be sleep deprived. Instead of the nap, try getting more sleep every night.
Along the same line, don't use a nap as a substitute for getting a full night' sleep.
If you want to get the best sleep possible, make sure you have the right pillow. For more information, visit
Turkey has long been known to help you feel sleepy, thanks to it containing tryptophan. If you have extra turkey and are looking for a quick dinner to help you feel sleepy tonight, try this quesadilla!
Turkey day is around the corner, and if you are on the hunt for some fun Thanksgiving themed products that not only look and function well but will help you sleep better, look no further! Check out our recommendations below.