Post Climb Beta: Proper recovery for climbers - REM-Fit

Post Climb Beta: Proper recovery for climbers

November 05, 2018

Whether rappelling down after a top-rope session in the gym or dropping down from a dyno, when the climb is done, send or no send, you have an opportunity to improve your strength and performance for the next session. It starts with proper recovery technique. Without it, you can expect longer recovery times, limited mobility and inconsistent strength improvements.

Smash and Grab

A good massage kneads your muscles, tendons, and fascia, not only helping stretch fibers and flush damaging lactic acid but encouraging blood flow to help speed recovery. Grab a partner, roller or barbell to help ensure you’re squeezing and working your tired muscles and tendons post climb.

1:1 Climb to Active Recovery

For every minute you spend on the wall, spend an equal amount of time stretching and strengthening. Climbing is a full body sport, ensure that you are spending time helping ensure flexibility throughout your body because the next crux will probably require a whole new movement to send.

Accessorize the pushing muscles Climbers have unparalleled pulling strength. From fingerboards to roofs and caves, fingers, forearms, shoulders, and biceps get worked over during each climb. In order to prevent strength plateaus and inevitable injury, work the pushing muscle groups regularly.

Explore the Backside

Often forgotten, the Rhomboid and Lat muscles are essential to strong climbing technique. Ensure your post-climbing routine stretches and massages these big movers. And when you hit the gym on an off day, ensure you work these. This will provide serious performance improvements.

Boulder Shoulder Stability

Shoulders tie the strength of your arms and core together. Strengthening them using proper form and techniques that focus on the movement of individual muscles will ensure increased stability, easier transitional movements and increased mobility.

In addition to proper post-workout nutrition, a schedule that emphasizes proper rest, and a good night’s sleep, these tips will ensure consistent improvement and strength gains. Whether you’re an alpinist or it’s your first visit to the bouldering gym, recovery is an essential part of climbing at your best.

If you're new to climbing and in New York, Boston or Chicago, check out Brooklyn Boulder’s Beginner to Badass program. Follow this link.

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